Lehigh Valley's Leader in Specialty and Emergency Care

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Thank you for choosing VCVREC as your partner for emergency, specialty, and advanced care. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to work together with you to care for your patients.

How to Refer a Case

Simply choose the method that's most convenient for you:

By telephone: Call us at 610.435.1553 to arrange a consultation, schedule surgery, discuss a case, or obtain an estimate of fees. If our doctors are unavailable, our Client Coordinators are available to help

Using our Referral Form:

Emergency Cases

Emergency cases do not require an appointment or referral form. A call is always appreciated if possible.

Preoperative Blood Work and X-rays

We recommend that you provide preoperative blood work and thoracic radiographs for all patients. This information can be brought in by your client, mailed or emailed to us using the Referral Form. Radiographs should be emailed to rads@vcvrec.com.